Circular Reno

Modular Bio-Based Circular Solutions in Housing Retrofit

Circular Reno is an EU Interreg NW project seeking to develop agri-crop to bio-based construction material supply chains with a focus on pilot demonstration of modular bio-based circular solutions in deep energy housing retrofit.


Circular Reno in Ireland is being lead by KORE Retrofit in partnership with Tuath Housing Association

Work Package 1

WP 1 is seeking to develop an action plan for the sector, demonstration of biomass materials and modular construction systems and possible supply chain development

Work Package 2

WP 2 is undertaking deep energy retrofit of 10 social houses using lightweight modularised construction plug and play over-cladding solutions utilising bio-based foam insulation.

Work Package 3

WP 3 is to support and develop the transition to agri-crop bio-based materials and construction in an Irish context, via market enhancements, regulatory development and training and dissemination

Martins Story

Coming Soon…

WP1 Introduction

Under Work Package 1, the Irish team are seeking to develop the application of agri crops to construction materials via demonstration, action planning and possibly supply chain development, focusing on straw, miscanthus and hemp. This work package is envisaged to support stakeholders in developing knowledge of agri-crop to biomass construction material solutions with potential commercial and business opportunities for the sector including carbon farming and trading benefits.


Work Package 1 Aims

Action planning:

Working with a multi-stakeholder network to develop an action plan for the sector toward developing a variable agri-crop to biomass supply chains.

Supply Chain Development:

Working with grower groups and engaged stakeholders toward developing particular agri-crops to biomass construction supply chains.


Design, development, testing of pilot - mock up modularised construction panels from agri-crops bio-based materials - straw, miscanthus and hemp.

Work Package 1 Context

The agricultural sector is undergoing significant change with a drive toward more sustainable low carbon farming with opportunities in farm diversification and carbon trading. The construction sector is also in transition with a drive towards zero energy buildings, retrofitting the building stock and decarbonisation of the sector.

This is creating demand for low carbon and carbon sequestering construction materials which provides commercial opportunities for development of bio-based construction materials from agricultural resources.

Work Package 1 Developments

There are a number of EU projects seeking to support agri-crop supply chains, including to develop construction materials, such as:

In addition, a number of member states are supporting the development of specific supply chains including Italy and the Netherlands.

Work Package 1 Agri-Crop Bio-Based Constructions

There has been significant research and development of bio-based construction materials and solutions, including modular construction applications. There are several materials, products and systems available on the market.




Meet the Team